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Digital Signage
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Create Stunning Digital Displays that
Increase Awareness and Drive Sales!

Sample Layouts Designed with Media Ninja

What is Media Ninja?

Media Ninja Designer Software
Media Ninja Designer

The Media Ninja Suite provides everything you need to create, update, maintain, and display your own digital signage and digital menus.

With digital signage, you're never locked in to static, out-of-date content - or stuck spending money to update printed signs and menus.

Design layouts with animated content and your visitors simply won't be able to ignore your message.

The Media Ninja Designer software provides a state-of-the art design interface. It's easy enough for anyone to use, and has all the features needed to build incredibly rich digital layouts without requiring a graphics design degree.

Features At a Glance

  • Easy to Use What You See is What You Get (WYSIWYG) Designer Software
  • Power up to 3 HDMI Displays with Unique Content from 1 Player Box
  • Cloud Powered Solution - With NO Recurring Cloud Costs!
  • Advanced (but easy to use) scheduling features for automated transitions
  • Manage 1 System or 1,000 Systems from one Management Console Anywhere you have Internet
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